Low Maintenance Landscape Design Ideas

Low Maintenance Landscape Design Ideas

With so many great things in this world, who has the time to maintain a yard or driveway? When you’re out having fun with friends, partying the night away, or having a romantic picnic, the last thing on your mind is taking care of the weeds in your backyard.

With low-maintenance landscape design, you won’t have to worry as much about pruning, mowing, planting, or cleaning, giving you more time to enjoy yourself. San Diego landscape design experts can personally help you with all your landscaping needs.

Low Maintenance Landscape Design Ideas

Rethinking Focal Points

In San Diego, outdoor kitchens are pretty common. They are a means of taking advantage of the great weather all year round. After all, there aren’t many people who dislike a good barbecue. However, barbecues and outdoor kitchens act as a focal point, giving you and visitors something to focus on aside from the grass, trees, and other elements of the yard.

There are numerous ways to develop focal points, including:

  • Pathways: Pathways are functionally a means of getting into a space, but visually, they lead eyes into, through, and around the landscape. Pathways act as a good transition between the street and your home. They can be the first impression a visitor has of a homeowner’s personality.
  • Outdoor water fountains: Water fountains and bird baths create a naturally welcoming ambiance, making an elegant statement about a person’s home. Many times, water fountains add to the architecture of a home. Outdoor water fountains often mask the hum of traffic and lawnmowers with the gentle sounds of trickling water.
  • Lighting: Like any film or photo, lighting in a landscape is very important. Landscape lighting gives you complete control of your yard, allowing you to highlight your trees and garden while leaving other, less-attractive elements in the dark. Lighting is an inexpensive way to add value to your property while also providing practical safety and security.

When It Comes to Plants

In landscape design, plants tend to take up the most maintenance time. While you can’t usually do away with plants completely, you can make decisions on the types of plants you want in your backyard.

When choosing foliage, go with drought-resistant plants like succulents, which require less water to thrive. Avoid plants that need frequent pruning and are susceptible to diseases and insect problems. Instead of mulching, consider using gravel, which cuts down on weeds and helps to retain soil.

Sam is an avid follower of San Diego landscape design and writes about low-maintenance landscape design regularly. He’s been working on his and his friends’ houses and designs for the past 25 years and loves sharing information with people who are looking to improve their homes.design plantslandscape design ideaslandscape lighting , lawnmowerslow maintenancemaintenance landscapeoutdoor water fountainsphoto lighting